joi, 29 ianuarie 2015


Fiind un site HYIP, probabilitatea de a functiona era mica. In data de 10.02.2015, site-ul s-a inchis. X2Bitcoin este un site gen HYIP care foloseste ca instrument financiar bitcoin-ul.  Site-ul, se bazeaza pe un sistem, ce presupune un depozit de minim 8 zile sau 200 ore, platind o dobanda de 1% pe ora.    Suma...

luni, 12 ianuarie 2015


Interested in making some extra money on your website, your social media accounts or via email? We’re here to help! We offer a simple, yet effective method for you to do just that, via our affiliate program. Take a look at the details and see why this is the best option for you. Why we think you should join: –...