vineri, 1 mai 2015

SureHash - Bitcoin Mining

Surehash, este un site de minat bitcoin, lansat in urma cu cateva zile. Dovezi de plata nu exista, deci ar trebui sa profitam si sa le luam banii. 
Pretul unui GHS este de doar 0.0006 bitcoin, cel mai mic, pe care l-am vazut la un  astfel de site., cand a aparut, a avut un pret de 0.0013 bitcoin si plateste si-n momentul de fata. Se pot achizitiona minim 100 GHS, ceea ce inseamna 14 dolari, cursul fiind azi 1.05.2015 de 233.92 dolari, conform
Platile se fac in fiecare zi, iar din afiliere se castiga 10%.  Va puteti inscrie, accesand banner-ul de mai jos.

Spor la bani!

SureHash is a premium Bitcoin Cloud Mining Provider with a view to be in the Cloud Mining Industry long term.
A new startup, SureHash has recently gathered funds to Purchase nearly 420,000 GHs (SureHash is open about this) as a starting offer SureHash is selling Mining Power at the lowest price yet! a small 0.0006 BTC per GHs. With open-ness on how much you will get paid per day.
There is also a detailed dashboard of how much you will get paid, when your return on investment is and any contracts you have purchased. ROI is around 55 - 60 Days!
There is also an afilliate system which will pay you 10% towards any bought mining power. You can sign up just to be an afilliate!
With such a great offer what are you waiting for.

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