sâmbătă, 13 decembrie 2014


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O buna oportunitate de castig o reprezinta si cloudminr.io Este un site de minat bitcoin, care m-a facut curios, sa-l incerc. Sa vad ce ofera, diferit de celelalte platforme de minerit, unde am investit.

De la inceput, se ofera 100 GHS gratuit, cu care poti mina. Daca stiti, alt site, ce ofera moca, atata putere de minare, va rog, lasati un comentariu si am sa ma inscriu pe link-ul vostru de referal.

Al doilea lucru, care mi-a placut, este urmatorul lucru: tot ce se produce de ce este oferit gratis, se poate reinvesti. In fiecare zi, se mai produce 1 GHS, astfel ca intr-o saptamana, veti  avea inca 7 - 8 GHS.

Retragerea, se face in mod automat, o data pe saptamana. Pe acest site, 1 GHS costa 0.0013 BTC. 

Ca orice lucru din viata asta, sunt si dezavantaje. Si pentru ca este, in primul rand o afacere si proprietarii site-ului, s-au gandit cum sa-si recupereze investitia. Cele 100 GHS, sunt oferite, pentru o saptamana, iar castigul nu se poate retrage, decat daca investesti. 

Minimul investitiei este 50 GHS, care costa 0.0065 BTC, care dupa calculele mele, se recupereaza dupa aproximativ o luna si jumatate.

Va puteti inscrie, accesand imaginile de mai sus.


Am cumparat 50 GHS. Sa vedem, ce va fi.


Au aparut modificari, in sensul in care, costul celor 50 GHS a ajuns la 0.07 BTC. Totusi, se merita, pentru ca intr-o saptamana, cele 57 GHS pe care le am, produc inca 4 GHS. In dolari, ar insemna cu 1.8 saptamanal. Mai departe, calculati voi si hotarati, daca se merita sau nu sa investiti. Pentru alte nelamuriri, ma puteti contacta pe adresa de mail.


Cele 57 GHS, intr-o saptamana au facut 4 GHS. Pozele sunt mai jos. 


Rezultatul, e multumitor, pentru ca 4 GHS x 0.0014 BTC/GHS = 0.0056 BTC x 320$ = 1.79 $/saptamana. Conditia este sa nu reinvestiti puterile castigate.

Investitia, se recupereaza, cam in 3 luni. Ma refer la castigul actual.


In ultima saptamana, am strans 65 GHS, care au produs pentru retragere 0.00154929 BTC.

Suma retrasa este mica, pentru ca exista un mic secret. Tot ce se produce pana vineri, am reinvestit, iar pana duminica, am lasat sa se adune pentru a retrage. Suma inseamna 0.52 dolari. 


Am reinvestit 0.001 BTC, sambata dimineata (03.01.2015) ajungand la 69 GHS. Mi-au dat urmatorul payout pe data de 11.01.2015


Si-n aceasta saptamana, am ales sa reinvestesc, bitcoin-ul produs. Am facut 6 GHS. 



Am ajuns la 82 GHS. In ultima saptamana s-au facut 6 GHS.


In ultima saptamana, s-a produs 5 GHS. Au aparut unele modificari, in sensul in care, daca ai activata reinvestirea automata, pretul pentru 1 GHS este 0.0012 BTC. In mod normal, costa 0.0015 BTC.


Dupa cum se vede, s-au minat 6 GHS. In crestere. 


Am reusit sa strang 100 GHS, care produc 1 GHS pe zi. Ar trebui, sa incep sa recuperez investitia.


In aceasta saptamana s-au produs 7 GHS. Le-am distribuit in felul urmator: 2 GHS, le-am adunat, iar restul de 5 le-am lasat, iar duminica, mi-au sosit in portofel (wallet-ul de pe blockchain)  

Dovada de plata:


S-au minat 2 GHS, restul i-am retras. 

Dovada de plata:


Am minat 2 GHS, iar restul, am lasat pentru a scoate. 


S-au minat 3 GHS, iar valoarea a 4 GHS am retras.

Dovada de plata este atasata.


S-au minat aproximativ 0.008 BTC. Am cumparat 1 GHS, iar pe restul i-am retras.

Dovada de plata:


Puterile pe care le detin, au produs 2 GHS si 0.00553310
BTC, ceea ce inseamna 1.48 dolari la cursul de schimb 1BTC = 268 dolari.

Dovada de plata.


Au minat 2 GHS, si am ajuns la 114 GHS.

S-a platit suma intreaga, fara a se opri taxe. Cred, ca portofelul lua o mica taxa.


Sunt in plan. 2 GHS pe saptamana si am ajuns la 116 GHS. Pretul a scazut, ajungand la 0.0012 BTC/GHS. 


118 GHS au minat 0.00571128 Bitcoin. 

Dovada de plata pentru suma de 0.00571128 BTC.


120 GHS mineaza 0.00574227 bitcoin. E bine!

Dovada de plata:


S-au adunat 122 GHS, care in 12 ore produc aproximativ 45k bitcoin.


In aceasta saptamana s-au produs 0.00813369 bitcoin. Nu am reinvestit nimic.


Au eliminat estimarea de payout de pe statistica din dashboard. S-au minat 7 GHS cu cele 124 GHS detinute.

Dovada de plata a bitcoin-ului produs de cele 124 GHS.

Spor la minat!


Saptamana asta am avut un referal, iar comisionul obtinut l-am reinvestit, ajungand la 151 GHS. Castigul din aceasta saptamana, l-am investit in scrypt.cc

Dovada de plata.


154 GHS produc cam 1.86 $ la un curs de 241$/BTC intr-o saptamana.

Dovada de plata.

Cu 157 GHS, s-au facut 1.81 $. A mai scazut cursul.

Dovada de plata


Am adunat 160 GHS si 0.00719186 bitcoin


164 GHS si 0.00751257 bitcoin.


S-au minat 168 GHS si 0.00735560 BTC


Am ajuns la 171 GHS in aceasta saptamana, producandu-sa 3 GHS pe care i-am reinvestit, restul de 9 GHS, i-a retras.


In aceasta saptamana, nu s-au facut plati, dar s-au minat 21 GHS. 

English version

One of the best sites by cloud mined that pays !!!

A good opportunity to win a cloudminr.io represents mined Bitcoin is a website that made me curious to try it. To see what offers different platforms other mining, where we have invested.

From the beginning, we offer free 100 GHS, which you mine. If you know, another site that offers mocha, as power-determination, please leave a comment and I will subscribe on your referral link.

The second thing that I liked is this: everything that occurs is offered for free, you can reinvest. Every day longer produce 1 GHS as a week, you will have another 7 - 8 GHS.

Withdrawal is done automatically once a week. On this site, 1 GHS 0.0013 BTC cost.
Like everything in this life, there are also disadvantages. And because it is primarily a business and website owners were thinking about how to recover the investment. The 100 GHS offered for a week and gain can not withdraw unless you invest.

The minimum investment is 50 GHS, costing 0.0065 BTC, which by my calculations, is recovered after about a month and a half.

You can register by visiting the above images.


I bought 50 GHS. Let's see what will be.


Changes occurred in the sense that the cost of the 50 GHS reached 0.07 BTC. However, it is worth it for a week, the 57 GHS that I produce another 4 GHS. In dollars, it would mean 1.8 week. Furthermore, I will calculate and decide if it is worth or not to invest. For other questions, you can contact me on the email address.


The result is satisfactory, because 4 GHS x 0.0014 BTC / GHS = 0.0056 x $ 320 = BTC $ 1.79 / week. The condition is not reinvested gain strength.

The investment is recovered, in about 3 months. I mean the actual gain.


In the last week, we gathered 65 GHS, which caused the withdrawal 0.00154929 BTC. The amount withdrawn is small, because there is a little secret. Everything that happens to friday, I reinvested, and by sunday I left to gather to withdraw. Amount means 0.52 dollars.


We reinvested 0.001 BTC Saturday morning (03/01/2015) reaching 69 GHS. They gave me the next payout date 11.01.2015


And in this week, we chose to reinvest, bitcoins your product. We did 6 GHS.


We arrived at 86 GHS. In the last week there have been 6 GHS.


In the last week, occurred 5 GHS. There have been some changes, in the sense that, if you activated the automatic reinvestment price for 1 GHS is 0.0012 BTC. Normally, the cost 0.0015 BTC.


As you can see, were mined 6 GHS. In growing.


I managed to collect 100 GHS, producing 1 GHS day. It should begin to recover its investment.


This week there were 7 GHS. We distributed as follows: 2 GHS, we have assembled, and the remaining 5 we left, and Sunday, I arrived in wallet (wallet on the blockchain).


2 GHS were mined, the rest I retired.


We mined 2 GHS and the rest I left to remove.


3 GHS were mined, and the value of 4 GHS I retired.


Were mined about 0.008 BTC. I bought 1 GHS, and the rest I retired.

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