24options.com - ofera tranzactionare la bursa cu un randament de 83%.
Este brokerul, care a obtinut, in 2013 premiul la summit-ul de la Londra.
Se pot tranzactiona valute, marfuri, actiuni, indici. Brokerul nr. 1 in optiuni binare. Se ofera patru tipuri de optiuni binare:
Superior/Inferior sau high/low - high/low si above/below
O Singura Atingere (One Touch) - Touch/No Touch si High Yield Touch
Boundary - Boundary si High Yield Bouundary
Optiuni pe termen scurt - 30, 60 de secunde, 2 si 5 minute
Valoarea investitiei minime (deschiderea tranzactiei) este de 24 dolari, iar cea maxima in High/Low este de 20k dolari, iar in alte optiuni este de 10k dolari.
Banii, se pot depune, folosind cardul VISA, MASTERCARD (instant), transfer bancar (dureaza cateva zile).
Suma minima, ce poate fi retrasa este 10$.
Valoarea investitiei minime (deschiderea tranzactiei) este de 24 dolari, iar cea maxima in High/Low este de 20k dolari, iar in alte optiuni este de 10k dolari.
Banii, se pot depune, folosind cardul VISA, MASTERCARD (instant), transfer bancar (dureaza cateva zile).
Suma minima, ce poate fi retrasa este 10$.
Dupa ce va faceti cont, veti avea un manager, care va va indruma cum sa obtineti tranzactii castigatoare. Vi se va deschide si un cont demo pe care puteti tranzactiona, deci capata experienta.
Riscul este minim, pentru ca va veti putea retrage banii, daca nu sunteti multumiti, comisioanele bancare, fiind suportate de catre 24options.
Ofer sprijin, celor ce se inscriu, de pe link-ul din articol, pentru a putea recupera investitia. Trimite-ti un mail, pentru detalii.
Se ofera semnale de tranzactionare.
Tipuri de cont la 24option.com
Sunt 5 tipuri de cont, diferentiate prin suma minima de deschidere a acestuia. Acestea sunt:
Toate tipurile de cont, ofera oportunitati de castig, dar cu cat suma din cont este mai mare, cu atat aveti acces la mai multe promotii si functii. De exemplu la DIAMANT, se ofera bilete la meciurile de fotbal ale echipei Juventus.
Jurnal tranzactii - pe cont demo
Tranzactia EUR/USD s-a inchis la aceeasi suma cu care a fost deschisa. Banii, mi-au fost inapoiati.
O tranzactie pierduta si una castigata. Scor 1 -1.
Bafta la tranzactionat!
24options.com - offers trading on the stock with a yield of 83%.
The broker, who won in 2013 the award at the London summit.
You can trade currencies, commodities, stocks, indices. No broker. 1 in binary options. It offers four types of binary options:
High / Low or high / low - high / low and Above / Below
One Touch (One Touch) - Touch / No Touch Touch and High Yield
Boundary - Boundary and High Yield Bouundary
Short-term options - 30, 60 seconds, 2 and 5 minutes
Minimum investment value (opening transaction) is $ 24 and the maximum in High / Low is 20k dollars and other options is 10k dollars.
Money can be deposited using VISA, MASTERCARD (instant), bank transfer (takes a few days).
The minimum amount that can be withdrawn is $ 10.
After you make an account, you have a manager that will guide how to get winning trades. Will open a demo account you can trade thus gain experience.
The risk is minimal, because you will be able to withdraw money if you are not satisfied, the bank charges being borne by 24options.
Provides support to those who sign up, the link of the article in order to recover the investment. Send an email for details.
Se ofera semnale de tranzactionare.
Sunt 5 tipuri de cont, diferentiate prin suma minima de deschidere a acestuia. Acestea sunt:
Jurnal tranzactii - pe cont demo
Tranzactia EUR/USD s-a inchis la aceeasi suma cu care a fost deschisa. Banii, mi-au fost inapoiati.
O tranzactie pierduta si una castigata. Scor 1 -1.
Am deschis prima tranzactie pe contul real. Dupa cum se poate vedea, in printul de mai jos, perioada a fost de 5 minute, iar rezultatul a fost pozitiv.
Bafta la tranzactionat!
English version
24options.com - offers trading on the stock with a yield of 83%.
The broker, who won in 2013 the award at the London summit.
You can trade currencies, commodities, stocks, indices. No broker. 1 in binary options. It offers four types of binary options:
High / Low or high / low - high / low and Above / Below
One Touch (One Touch) - Touch / No Touch Touch and High Yield
Boundary - Boundary and High Yield Bouundary
Short-term options - 30, 60 seconds, 2 and 5 minutes
Minimum investment value (opening transaction) is $ 24 and the maximum in High / Low is 20k dollars and other options is 10k dollars.
Money can be deposited using VISA, MASTERCARD (instant), bank transfer (takes a few days).
The minimum amount that can be withdrawn is $ 10.
After you make an account, you have a manager that will guide how to get winning trades. Will open a demo account you can trade thus gain experience.
The risk is minimal, because you will be able to withdraw money if you are not satisfied, the bank charges being borne by 24options.
Provides support to those who sign up, the link of the article in order to recover the investment. Send an email for details.
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