vineri, 28 noiembrie 2014

It Coin - International Trade Coin

It Coin este o platforma de investitii, ce functioneaza numai cu Bitcoin. Deviza grupului este

"Lasati Bitcoinii liberi, sa lucreze pentru voi"

Au 4 planuri de investitii:

  1. Arbitrage
  2. Trade
  3. Mining
  4. Crowd Funding
Sa vedem, particularitatile fiecaruia.


Suma minima de investit este 0.0001 BTC, iar dobanda pe zi este 1.5% + 0.1%


Dobanda zilnica este putin mai mare, iar suma de la care se poate depune e 2 BTC.


Suma de investit in acest plan este 10 BTC la o dobanda de 1.5% + 0.8%

Crowd Funding

Un castig mare, vine mereu cu o dobanda mare. 1.5% + 1.6%, la o investitie de minim 50 BTC.

Sfatul meu este sa profitati, pentru ca fondul de investitii, a aparut in jur de 26.11.2014, deci este nou, dar investiti atat cat va permiteti sa pierdeti. 
Programul de referal, va ofera un castig de 5%. Va puteti inscrie, accesand imaginile.
Am sa investesc in primul plan, bitcoin adunati de pe faucet-uri si am sa postez rezultatele.

Pe 30.11.2014, am investit 0.00103999 BTC, iar pe 02.12.2014 balanta arata asa:

Am observat ca suma castigata, se poate reinvesti. Desigur, investitie mica are castig mic!

Spor la bani!

It is a platform Investment Coin, which works only with Bitcoin. The motto of the group is

"Let Bitcoinii free work for you"

They have four investment plans:

Crowd Funding
Let's see, the particuliarities of each.


The minimum investment is 0.0001 BTC and daily interest is 1.5% + 0.1%


Daily interest rate is slightly higher and the amount that can be deposited e 2 BTC.


The amount invested in this plan is 10 BTC at an interest rate of 1.5% + 0.8%

Crowd Funding

A high gain, always comes with a great interest. 1.5% + 1.6% at an investment of at least 50 BTC.

My advice is to take advantage, because investment fund, appeared around 11/26/2014, so again, but invest what you can afford to lose.
Referral program, offers a gain of 5%. You can register by accessing the images.
We have to invest in first, Bitcoin gathered from the faucet sites and we will post the results.

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