sâmbătă, 15 noiembrie 2014

Genesis Mining - Cloud mining

Pentru, ca sunt adeptul venitului pasiv, am investit si-n Genesis Mining. 
Se poate cumpara, putere de minare cu euro, dolari, bitcoin, darkoin, litecoin si dogecoin. 
Site-ul mineaza bitcoin si celelalte monezi.

Se poate cumpara GHS la pretul de 15.99 dolari 

dar si MHS, la 17.99 dolari.

La acestea, se adauga o taxa de 10 dolari, care nu am inteles-o, deci nu pot da detalii. Sa vedem, cum merge pentru ca, circula vorba prin targ, ca ar fi cel mai profitabil.

Au un sistem de afiliere, destul de frumos. Cand cineva, se inscrie de pe link-ul tau, primeste un discount de 2.5% din pretul pachetului ales, iar tu poti, sa faci upgrade gratis pentru un an. Exemplul de pe site: daca cineva cumpara 10 MHS, va avea o reducere de 2.5%, iar tu vei putea face upgrade gratis de 0.25 MHS. Oferta valabila un an. Deci, recomanzi si castigi 2.5% din puterea cumparata de cel, care si-a facut cont prin intermediul tau. 
Baieti destepti. Cu alte cuvinte, daca te inscrii direct pe site, nu vei castiga 2.5%. In acest mod este incurajata munca in echipa ;).
Va puteti inscrie, accesand imaginile.

Plata, se face zilnic, direct in wallet-ul pe care-l aveti.

Spor la minat

For, as advocate passive income, I Invest in Genesis Mining.
One can buy power-determination euro, dollars, Bitcoin, darkoin, litecoin and Dogecoin.

Website undermines Bitcoin and other currencies.

GHS can buy at a price of $ 15.99, but MHS at $ 17.99.

To this, add a $ 10 fee, which I did not understand it, so I can not give details. Let's see how it goes because it circulates through fair, it would be most profitable.

They have an affiliate system quite nice. When someone is putting on your link, receives a discount of 2.5% of the package chosen, and you can, to make free upgrades for one year. Example of the site if someone buy 10 MHS will have a reduction of 2.5%, and you will be able to upgrade free of MHS 0.25. Offer valid for one year. So, recommend and win 2.5% of the purchased power, which he made through your account.
Smart guys. In other words, if you register directly on the site, you will earn 2.5%. In this way is encouraged teamwork;).
You can register by accessing the images.

Payment is done daily directly in your wallet that you have.

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