sâmbătă, 25 octombrie 2014


GRMINING - fabrica de bitcoin, este un site unde se poate inchiria putere de minare.

Exista 4 tipuri de investitii:

1. contract pe 3 luni cu o suma de investit de 0.0007 BTC/GHS
2. contract pe 6 luni - suma fiind de 0.00095 BTC/GHS
3. contract pe 5 ani - investitia ridicandu-se la 0.00145 BTC/GHS
4. contract pe viitorii 5 ani - investitie de de 0.0014 BTC/GHS

Exista si un calculator, care arata castigurile in functie de contractul ales.

Va puteti inscrie, accesand banner-ul.

GRMINING - factory Bitcoin is a site where you can rent power-determination.

There are 4 types of investments:

1. Contract for 3 months with an amount of 0.0007 BTC invested / GHS
2. 6 months contract - the amount of 0.00095 BTC / GHS
3. 5-year contract - investment amounting to 0.00145 BTC / GHS
4. contract for the next 5 years - investment of 0.0014 BTC / GHS

There is a calculator that shows earnings according to the contract chosen.

You can register by visiting the banner.

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